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Here's a Guide On How to Start a Business From Scratch

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How to start a business from scratch

Have you always dreamt of starting your own business from scratch but you just don’t know where and how to start a business from scratch? You’re not alone. Having a business from scratch is a tough decision to make. It requires a lot of effort and mental energy before you can finally set-up one. And after setting up your business from scratch, it takes a tantamount of patience, determination, and courage to continue working for it in order to make it grow

So, let me share with you some tips on how to start a business from scratch.

1. Know what you are passionate about.

Have a bit of reflection and check on yourself: what makes you tick? Are you happy when you serve your family dinner? Maybe you want to start a restaurant or a food stall. Do you enjoy knitting and creating your own clothes? Perhaps you can start a clothing business. Start with yourself. What’s that thing that you do that brings you joy? That will be your fuel to start a business from scratch.

2. Research the market

You need to research the market. Know your possible customers or target audience, including how much it would cost to start a business from scratch. You can also look at current business models. Check the existing business you’ve been inspired by, especially those tried and tested. Creating something new is scary, but it can be fun. See why this particular business worked first, and then you can add a twist to your one.

Start a Business From Scratch Research the market

3. Gather your people and build a network

You can start looking for like-minded people that share the same dreams like yours. It’s best to have people with you who will help you reach your goals. Remember, Apple would not be the same if Steve Jobs didn’t have Steve Wozniak. Once you are satisfied with your team, start building a following or network. There are so many ways to reach out to people with today’s internet. You can use YouTube Videos, TikTok, or any other social media platform. You can also use crowd-funding resources such as Kickstarter

Start a Business From Scratch Build your network

4. Always make sure to deliver your promise/goals

Always make sure to deliver, if not, exceed their expectations. Make sure everything is in check because the performance of your launch date is an important indication if the business will succeed or not.

Start with yourself first. Find out what you’re passionate about and do your research for your product and audience. Check businesses that are tried and tested, and gather like-minded people who share the same dream as yours. These things will be an important foundation for your business from scratch. Build your following and make sure that you’ll be able to deliver your promise. Lastly, hold on to your biggest WHY because this will keep you holding onto your dream business no matter what and no matter how hard things get.

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